T 3 Reading

1 Read your story- put title and author in your Literacy Book and list down the page any words you do not know.

2 When you have read the story go back and use a dictionary to see how many words you can find the meaning of- record meaning beside word.

3 Do a Roll and Retell- see previous post.

Learning Goal- making inferences
How do you make an inference?
Clues We Use to Infer Meaning From the world around us: 
• Facial expressions
• Body language
• Tone of voice
• Spoken words/conversations
• Sounds
• Smells
From text: 
• Titles and headings
• Pictures
• Dialog
• Descriptions of how characters react to one another
• Reading “between the lines” to find implied information (clues) that lead us to reach a specific conclusion or make a prediction

Spirit of the Bird
You will need to read this story more than once to understand it more.What does the girl think of the moa?  Give evidence from the text.
Can you find any examples of where you have to make inferences?
Evidence from text ................................
My inference .........................

Bok Choy What inferences can you make?
What is the message or theme of this story?
What would you say to the neighbour?

Then read Thirst by Paul Mason (in same journal) - what inferences can you make in this story?
Give evidence from the text- remember to write the title and author in your book first.
Read the story again and look for examples of where you have to make an inference.
What does the author want you to think or understand?
Focus on the main character- how does the author show you how he is feeling?

Evidence from text ................................
My inference .........................

Next you can read Tohunga.
Can you find any examples of where you have to make inferences?

Remember to write the title and author in your book first. 
Give 2 examples
Evidence from text ................................

My inference .........................

Then P57- see teacher for organiser.
Poha Informational text

LG Answering informational questions- using evidence from the text to justify answers.
What would you tell the class about?  (From what you have read)
Can you write a summary of some of the main parts of the article that you think the class might be interested in hearing about. Discuss it together and decide who will share which parts of article.

Grandparents Day
Who are the main characters in the story?

What inferences can you make here about the characters?
Evidence from text- (a sentence) ..............
My inference: ........................


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